By Arjun
Sep 2021



How to look after your mental health when working from home?

What the world thought would last for a few days has now been around for a whole year! Ever since Covid-19 hit, all of us have been working from home, trying our best to stay occupied. 

Shifting from the busy office working environment to working from your bed has come as a shock to some, while others love this quiet time and enjoy all the perks they get.

As working professionals, we all miss getting up early, having a cup of tea with the team, and working our way through the day! Getting cut off from this daily curriculum has not just deprived your life of fun but may also take a toll on your mental health. 

So, what are the ways you can take care of your mental health while working from home?

Talk to your colleagues

When working in an office, you would not just talk to your colleagues about work. You may discuss the weekend you have planned with your friends or the new sitcom you recently started watching on Netflix. 

You need to try and keep this habit even when working from home by arranging a group video call or chatting online with each other to catch up. 

Take a lunch break seriously!

When working in an office space, the chances are that you would ideally get up from your area to make a drink, take lunch, or chat with your colleagues multiple times a day. 

When working from home, most of us eat lunch and go right back to work since there is nowhere else to go. However, this is not good for your mental health.

Just because you are working from home does not mean you cannot go outside to have a nice lunch or cook something fresh. You can go for a short walk after eating or catch up on your favorite television programs during your lunch break.

Doing this will help you warm the muscles and give your eyes some rest from staring at a computer screen all day.

The primary goal is to get you up and away from your work desk for some time. When working in an office, people are more likely to go outside during the lunch break.

This extra dose of fresh air is something you need to get when working from home since it can help boost your mental wellbeing.

Be honest with your employer.

If you feel like you are struggling to work from home and cannot give your 100%, it would be best to tell your employer. It is alright not to be ok with the current situation, and those who don’t feel good due to isolation will get more support than ever. 

If you are honest with your employer about how you feel, your employer will be able to step into your shoes and support you as best as possible to ensure your mental health is looked after. 

  • TAGS:
  • COVID-19
  • Mental health tips
  • Support Remote Worker Wellbeing
  • Well-being
  • Working from home
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