By Arjun
Oct 2021



How Is Digital Transformation Changing Marketing?

If you are unsure what digital transformation means, you are not alone. The term “digital transformation” refers to different meanings based on the industry in question. However, in terms of marketing, digital transformation is in a league of its own. It relates to the pursuit of digital excellence via proper optimization and usage of all your online channels. In simpler terms, it means refining all your digital platforms to gain a deeper understanding of your users and improve how they interact with your brand.  

Optimizing web pages to offer your customers a better experience, refining your digital presence, and ensuring that all systems work and communicate well with each other are all a part of digital transformation.  

The overall impact of digital transformation on your marketing growth strategy  

When we talk about marketing growth, it is essential to remember that having a digital transformation strategy is critical to being agile and adaptable to a new consumer. Consumers who continually get more demanding expect only higher-quality products and services that come with a personalized and unique shopping experience.   

Remember that all modern consumers online do not have linear behavior, which is responsible for changing the traditional marketing funnel of interest, awareness, consideration, and the final decision. Since people are so quick at making decisions nowadays, you must have a detailed understanding of all new customer behaviors, moments of connectivity, and meeting demands. Digital transformation is all about going for a customer-centric approach, which is why you must personalize your marketing efforts if you wish to see some growth.   

Whether watching a movie, reading a newspaper, or booking your ride to work, everything nowadays has shifted to digital, which is why it is only standard for your business to do the same. The concept of digital transformation has already proved its worth for companies such as Uber and Amazon. All major players have already taken their business concepts and applied new-age digital technologies to lead their respective marketplace.

Do small and medium-size businesses benefit from digital transformation or not?  

People often assume that only large-size organizations can have the privilege of taking advantage of digital transformation. However, digital transformation helps empower small and medium-size organizations to compete on the same level. Even if you don’t have a lot of money to spend, companies can quickly gain access to the same marketing strategies and tools used by multinational corporations, allowing them to market their services and products successfully in a competitive environment. By taking advantage of strategies such as SEO, email marketing, blogging, social media marketing, PPC advertising, etc., you can benefit from digital transformation and gain higher returns.

Take away  

Traditional media such as radio and television did not give people any choice regarding what they consume or who they share it with. However, the Internet has radically altered the way online marketing content is consumed.

Digital transformation has facilitated a new level of user interaction and engagement that was not possible before, drastically improving how digital marketers approach their target audience. Businesses must personalize their marketing efforts based on customer demands, behaviors, and moments of connectivity if they wish to use digital transformation to their advantage.

  • TAGS:
  • Digital transformation
  • Marketing
  • Marketing future
  • Marketing Growth
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